It’s been a long time…. Hello there!

I’ve been thinking about this blog for quite a while now, and realized that it’s been ages since I actually posted anything there. And for that, I’m terribly sorry to have kept you all waiting for updates. It was never my intention to be gone for so long..

I can honestly say that I’ve missed this blog and everything that I managed to meet here! It’s been my quiet space from the chaos I was going through while in college. I want to post here again. I want to connect with people and be able to share something that I thoroughly enjoy. Which means that I’ll be cleaning up some older posts and revamping a bit. I’ll always be Pan to anyone who has known me for some time, so that will never change. If you see certain posts or links going missing, that’s why.

It’s also kind of strange thinking how 11K+ people have stopped by this blog since it’s creation. I’ve come a long way since I first made this blog, but I hope that people will continue to enjoy my posts and where things go from here. I miss gushing about BL with everyone, so I’ll do my best to pick up where I left off!

To those of you are currently reading this, thank you so much!

❤ Pan

8 thoughts on “It’s been a long time…. Hello there!

      • I KNOW RIGHT AHHH SO EMOTIONAL 😭😭 when I saw your post on my reader I was like NANIIIIIIII so excited ✨✨ how have you been? 😀

      • KSDJFKASDJF I’ve been busy and went through a lot of ups and downs but I’m in a much better place now! :’D

        I’m feeling pretty out of touch with this account, but I want to be more active. Going to make a new twitter and all that for the blog. IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!

      • Oh that’s good that’s good, stepping back to sort things out and have me time is great, I’ve kind of been doing the same xD oh nice! Pls let me know your user when you do so I can follow~ and yesssss!!!

      • Just finished making the account, it’s @ kaeyabby :’D

        Aaahhh it’s been a wild ride, but I’m just happy to be back here. I’ve been a bit out of touch with the chill side of fandom spaces, so I’m happy to get back there. 💓

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